Network Services | L3: IP Connection |
L2: Ethernet Connection - Point-to-Point Connection Service: VLAN-based L2 Point-to-Point Interconnection - Multi-point Connection Service: VLAN-based L2 Multi-point Interconnection - Jumbo-framed Support (over 1G, 10G Lines) |
Optical Testbed - Hakusan - (8 fibers) - Otemachi - (16 fibers) - Koganei for experiments of optical-level transmission |
Network Structure (5 circuits)![]() |
Operation + R&D |
Operation Service + R&D - Operation / Management of Circuits, Equipment on APs - Service Platform Provisioning - Technical Supports |
Optical Testbed Service
This is the service to perform experiments of optical transmission, etc. through providing fiber leads of low loss.
This service is provided through about 592km dark fibers which are configured in total among NICT Koganei, Otemach and Hakusan.
Nation-Wide Network Configuration
Nation-wide Access Points are connected by L2/L3 having the circuit capacity from 100Mbps to 10Gpps.
JGN2plus International Network Structure
In JGN2plus Project, five international circuits are prepared.
Regarding the Mutual Connection with Regional Network
In JGN2plus Project, it is aimed to try to promote its utilization by urging collaboratively the mutual connection onward between the JGN2plus network and regional networks.