JGN is High Speed R&D Network Testbed for ICT technology development. JGN is designed to provide testing environment for researchers of advanced networking technologies and also deliver strong support for researchers and empower them.
With JGN, we deliver customized services to every user and provide services to multiple projects simultaneously.
National Institute of Communications Technology (NICT) has developed Research and Development testbed network called ‘Japan Gigabit Network (JGN)’, which we started its operation in 1999. In 2004, started operation of JGN2 with additional features of wide multicast and IPv6 capabilities. In 2008, JGN2plus project started with the advanced testbed foreseeing the New Generation Network technologies. In 2011, we started JGN-X project aiming to establish the New Generation Network and enhancing network functionality and its performance with the technological trend in mind. Through the operation of the testbed, we have promoted a wide range of R&D activities, demonstrations of various applications and development of cutting edge network technologies.
As well as the promotion of advanced research and development, we have gained achievements such as development of ICT human resources, promotion of research activities in local region, and improvement of international competition.
The technology transition of JGN
Since 2016, NICT has entered its fourth mid-term period. During this term, NICT aims to conduct R&D activities from the foundation level to the deployment level and beyond. The main objective of this is to accelerate the process of R&D and implement the results in the field of ICT and strengthen the international competitiveness of our nation's ICT industry, also aiming to systemize and make easy to deploy research results into the real world.
To achieve this goal, ‘JGN’ Research and Development Testbed Network has integrated various testbeds such as, wireless testbed, a large-scale emulation testbed, and multi-service testbed, to offer research environment for researchers and provide support for researchers to conduct R&D activities of network technologies and application technologies. We operate this integrated testbed as the environment to test IoT opportunities as well as help researchers to conduct technological and social experiments.