High Speed R&D Network Testbed
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JGN delivers various network services such as L2/L3 connectivity, IP virtualization resources (virtual routers, virtual machines and virtual storages), Optical network testbed and SDN/OpneFlow testbed called RISE.

JGN Networks in Japan

Providing high performance network connection through the nation wide access points.
JGN has network connection to universities in Japan via SINET5. JGN is connected to SINET5 through Sapporo, Iwate, Sendai, Otemachi, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka and Okinawa access point.


JGN Global Networks

JGN has international circuits to enhance collaborative R&D activities with global research institutions.

  • National Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
  • ICT Testbed Coordination and Planning Office
    ICT Testbed Research and Development Promotion Center

      E-mail: tb-info@ml.nict.go.jp
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